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A portal to an exciting new world: interview with author C.A. King

I recently had a pleasant chat with author C.A. King, about her exciting series The Portal Prophecies.

Here's a little introduction into the series in the author's own words:

"Each book is based on a different prophecy leading our heroes and heroines to new places and new friends while experiencing growing pains along the way.

"The entire series, delves deep into the understanding of magic and self-discovery, all the while questioning the right versus wrong equation on personal levels.

"As the books progress, readers will find some new explanations for old tales, myths, legends, folk lore and unusual phenomena that could just make them question the validity of stories we all have grown up with. Vampires, Witches, Ghosts, Monsters, Santa Claus, Atlantis, Elves, Dragons, Faeries, find out the alternate truth to them all."

Now on the interview!

Can you tell us why you decided to become a writer?

I experienced some tragic moments in my life. I am an avid day-dreamer. Closing my eyes one day, this world evolved in my mind. I saw the characters, how they moved, how they interacted. Each one came to life. It was a world I wanted to run away to. A place I wished I could live in. I not only wanted to share that with others, but I need it to help battle depression.

What do you love the most about writing?

Seeing the story come to life through words is exciting for me.

Where do you get you inspiration from?

It’s a place to escape to for a while when things are hard in real life.

If I have a bad day and close my eyes. I can travel to a world where things are just a little brighter and get lost there for a while. I want to share that with my readers. When they need to forget about the present even for a few minutes, I want them to be able to grab one of my books and smile again.

How would you describe The Portal Prophecies?

The Portal Prophecies Series is pure Fantasy.

Why should people read The Portal Prophecies series?

People should decide if a book is right for them. That applies to all books, not just my own. Readers have individual tastes. No writer can accommodate everyone in that regard.

Anyone who enjoys books about teen protagonists that contains twists on familiar tales and myths might enjoy my books.

Where did the idea for the series come from?

The Portal Prophecies is the name of a book of predictions written about in the series. Each book is about a different prophecy.

What do you expect to accomplish with The Portal Prophecies?

If I can make one person smile, I am, in my opinion, a successful Author. That is my goal.

What can you tell us about The Portal Prophecies series, without giving away any spoilers?

Book one – A Keeper’s Destiny, is the back story to the series. This book sets everything up for all the others. Not everything is as it seems in this book. It may take additional books before you grasp all the details. This book ends in a cliff-hanger.

As the story progresses things become clear. There are clues as to which way things are heading. If you don’t pick up on them, and are looking for answers, you will have to wait until book 5 and 6.

Which were the easiest and the hardest parts for you to write?

Killing off characters is always the hardest. I have cried.

Do you have a favorite character, scene or situation in The Portal Prophecies series, and can you tell us why he, she or it is your favorite?

Jade is my favorite character. She goes through a huge transformation through the series.

You can watch for her to have her own series starting this winter.

What can we expect to see in the next book in The Portal Prophecies (without giving away any spoilers)?

Book Six – Deadly Perceptions is the last in The Portal Prophecies series (although spin-offs are coming)

Readers can expect the familiar themes to continue. There have been clues throughout the series as to the ending, but I don’t think anyone has been able to guess correctly as of yet.

Some stories are what some have taken to calling Message Fiction, due to the fact that there are (conscious or unconscious) messages to be found in those stories. Did you insert any conscious messages in your story, and if so, what do they try to convey?

There are a lot of messages put into the series, if you look for them. Everything from the environment to the consequences of our daily choices.

I enjoy letting the reader decipher the meaning of my words. (Sorry no spoilers)

If your story is mature in nature (containing graphic sexual scenes, violence, swearing, etc.), what led you to decide that this was the right way to go, despite the fact that it might limit your potential readership?

There is a bit of violence – people die.

The characters have certain lessons to learn in their journey. Sometimes death is a part of that.

Thank you very much for your honest replies, Ms. King!

The Portal Prophecies Series:

Book One, A Keeper’s Destiny

Book Two, A Halloween’s Curse

Book Three, Frost Bitten

Book Four, Sleeping Sands

Book Five, Deadly Perceptions

Book Six, Finding Balance (Available for pre-order) is scheduled for release September 15th

The Portal Prophecies books are available at:

About C.A. King:

C.A. King was born and raised in Halton County. She currently resides in Ontario, Canada with her two sons.

After the loss of her loving parents and husband, Ms. King was devastated. Confronted with depression, she decided to do a bit of soul searching. It was during this time that writing became her passion. She found she was able to redirect her emotions through her writing and in 2014 decided to publish some of her works.

C.A. King currently writes a weekly column for Books & Quills Magazine.

To learn more about The Portal Prophecies Series, C.A. King and her work, please visit:

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